Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 24; Massages and Tattoos!

Today was a morning shift, I was working with all of my favourite people which was nice, we had a laugh and there were no dirty looks or snide comments to be seen or heard! ...what a novelty! Lindsey found the cats outside playing with a black scorpion, no one was sure if it was the poisonous type, I kept my distance, just incase! I walked some dogs to the river with Juliane. Later I helped Alicja with a cat PTS and cleaned the eyes of all of the cats that have cat flu. The 'deads', as my friend Hannah calls them, don't bother me at all, I have no problem with putting a dead kitten into a plastic bag and depositing it in to the freezer... I guess I don't have a heart!

After work I went to the south of the island with Lindsey and Juliane to 'The Little Hand Made Shop', we drove past it a few weeks ago but it was closed, luckily today it was open. Lindsey, aka 'The Crazy Cat Lady', bought a bag full of stuffed toy cats. We ate dinner on the beach then went for a massage, my first one since coming to Koh Lanta and the best massage I have had so far on this trip. We also stopped in at Kunda, the vegiterian restaurant we have been to quite a few times, they also sell handmade clothes, jewelry and artwork... When we told the owner that we are all leaving in the next few days she gave us all a free gift, I got a pair of earrings and an anklet, how nice of her!

At 8pm it was time for my tattoo, we were half an hour late but it didn't matter as we are on thai time. I love my new tattoo, it reads 'I Still Believe' in Thai... (Lyrics from my favourite song), I got the tattooist to write it down for me yesterday and have asked every English speaking Thai person I've met today to read it and tell me what it's says... Just to check it doesn't say 'I screwed your mom' or something like that! Lindsey also got a tattoo, hers looks really good and I was tempted to also get one done the same as hers.

 I have wanted this tattoo for a while, the plan was to have the words in English but since I'm in Thailand I wanted something Thai, I didn't want to get a Thai symbol or anything just for the sake of it so I think this was a good way to go, it's words that have a special meaning to me, but it's also related to this wonderful country that I fall more in love with each minute that I am here.

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